The House of Israel

This project is dedicated to my firstborn son, Elijah, may his blessings fall like rain upon this house to saturate it with his goodness, righteousness, and love. At the house of Israel we are becoming a tightly knit family of believers following the one and only true God of Israel. Our education program is the most well designed system on earth. We work together daily with a focused intention of creating the most advanced humans on earth. We have re-imagined education from the ground up at the House of Israel, and we will lead all our students in the path of righteousness until the kingdom of heaven is established on earth.

Members who pass the intake exams will be granted access to our academic center where they will immediately begin learning the Hebrew language to allow students from all over the world a centralized language for communication. The Hebrew language is the easiest to learn, but most complex language on the land because of its symbolic association with numbers, and essence. In addition to learning the Hebrew language our students will also learn to read history behind the God of Israel.

Students of all ages attending the House of Israel are encouraged to begin developing themselves into their own unique individuals possessing a diverse collection of skills used to help establish the God of Israel’s kingdom on earth. Each person will learn about the history of humanity, current geography, practical math application, phonetic reading instruction, and advanced sports concepts leading them quickly down the road to academic success. There is no other opportunity like this in the world.

The students inside House of Israel will be trained to search out the word of God so they can make their own informed decisions about the right path to take! We offer the worlds best classes to begin creating small inter connected communities Our students newly acquired understanding about life will lead to a better understanding of the kingdom we are building together peacefully, with purpose together under the House of Israel.

Kids blowing Shofar on the hills.
Students learning how to build anything using materials found in surrounding areas.
Students learning hiking, camping, and survival skills.
Students learning how to build drones from readily available parts.
Students learning advance chess strategy, and puzzle solving techniques.
Students learning about the latest advancements in 3D printing.
Students learning how to cook meals for their families at home.
Students learning about good hygiene, grooming, and daily tasks.
Students learning the most efficient cleaning routines.

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