This project is dedicated to my son Samuel. May his wisdom and gentle spirit bring the captives home from all corners of the earth.” Israel Sattleen

Welcome brother and sisters. We are entering a new phase of history known as the messianic era. This era is going to take some strong individuals with deep rooted faith to bring it about, but once it is established on earth it will never be shaken. The Kingdom of Judah is based upon the 613 laws given to Moses from the God of Israel.

The Sanhedrin will be reinstated over 70 different districts throughout the world. Each of these districts will follow the 613 laws of Moses. Instituting these laws protects the freedoms, liberties, and integrity of each district while simultaneously setting the population free from tyrannically governments fighting to control them. The Sanhedrin must rule according to the 613 laws of Moses without having any respect for persons, taking of bribes, or allowing false testimonies to triumph in thier courts. One governing district will be inside the holy land. The city of Jerusalem will become a world capital and all citizens of Judah will be welcome, and are required to visit during the festival of Passover, First Fruits, and the Feast of Tabernacles.

Each district of Judah will connect to the Central Sanhedrin office inside Jerusalem for education, economics, public records, and governor requests. This connection will be secured using Temple OS. This allows all pertinent world information to be analyzed and engineered for maximum efficiency. Data migration goes from homes, to cities, to central governors office, to Jerusalem. Each of these data transmission is independently secured ensuring safe data transfer between terminals and mainframes. All data world data composed inside Jerusalem will be readily accessible to governors of each district.

Click here to learn the 613 laws behind the Kingdom of Judah.

Below are four things that will no longer exist when the Kingdom of Judah comes…

No more police.
No more prisons.
No more lawyers.
No more inhumane forms of execution.

World Festivals behind the Kingdom of Judah.

Passover – This festival celebrates the freeing of all Hebrew’s following the God of Israel from being slaves in Egypt. This was accomplished after four hundred eighty years of slavery through ten plagues and parting of the Red Sea. On this day each household following the God of Israel is required to eat roasted lamb/goat, bitter herbs, and unleavened bread. All males are required to attend festival inside Jerusalem. Anyone not participating in the festival is cut off from Jerusalem.

Unleavened Bread – This is a seven day festival beginning on the conclusion of passover. It begins with an assembly of individuals following the God of Israel. For all seven days no follower is allowed to eat anything containing leaven. These include things like breads, soups, alcohol, etc. It concludes with an assembly of individuals following the God of Israel. Anyone not participating in the festival is cut off from Jerusalem.

First Fruits – This festival begins the day following feast of unleavened bread. On this day an omer of wheat is waved before the lord symbolizing beginning the Omer count. This county is seven weeks, or forty nine days long in anticipation for harvesting crops from the earth.

Pentacost – This conclusion of the Omer count begins the festival of first fruits. This is where ten percent of the harvest is brought into Jerusalem and dedicated to the temple. All males are required to attend the festival. If crops cannot be brought into Jerusalem then they can be converted into money and spent on anything your heart desires while in Jerusalem.

Feast of Trumpets – This spectacular festival is filled with sacrifices at the temple, and sounding of the shofar.

Day of Atonement – This is the holiest day of the year where everyone must put their souls in affliction to atone for sin. This can range from, but not be limited to, going without food/water to spending all day in prayer.

Feast of Tabernacles – This festival is celebrated by spending seven days outdoors in a homemade place of dwelling. This temporary building must be made from all natural elements from the earth without using tools.

The Third Temple Ezekiel’s Temple

ISAIAH 44:28

who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, “Let it be rebuilt,” and of the temple, “Let its foundations be laid.

Public Elections

All voting information is posted for public approval and certification. No longer will private entities dictate public elections.

Three sanctuary cities will be created inside the land of Israel, and three cities outside the land of Israel, allowing anyone who unintentionally, without vengeance, destroyed their brother to seek refuge. Once inside the city only the high priest in the land of Israel can release people from these cities upon his death. Anyone caught outside the cities before the death of the high priest in the land of Israel, will be subjected to the revenger of blood who will be released upon conviction of unintentional murder.

The goal of our kingdom is to begin working the land properly ensuring it gets it sabbath rest, no uncircumcised fruit is harvested, and ten percent of the harvest is dedicated to the temple in Jerusalem. This allows us to provide for the fatherless and widows throughout the world. We are also going to stop killing all the unclean animals so they can begin cleaning up our land like was intended from creation. Seeds will not be mixed throughout the land. Instead each district will focus on providing harvest that works well for their land and culture. Zion Corp will design software to allow for inter district commerce and inner district commerce creating a better method of transfer for goods. All food sources will come rabbinical control to ensure kosher food runs throughout the entire world. This will help all citizens of our great planet remain containment free and properly nourished moving forward in this redemption process. Every 50th year all land outside walled cities will be returned to its original owner. Any land inside walled cities can be redeemed within one year of sale. After the redemption period the home can no longer be redeemed.
